World Blockchain Token (WB)
WB Token (World Blockchain) is designated as a universally fair stable coin. Convention: 1 WB = 1 USDT; WB is stable value and issued by XBank on Blockchain technology.
The amount of the initial issuance is anchored or based on the total assets that XBank has at public wallet addresses with a ratio not exceeding 50% of the total assets of Xbank at the time of primary issuance.
The number of WBs generated as value added for each transaction according to the following formula:
WB(add) = r * WB(tran)
where 0.01%≤ r ≤0.2% and adjusted automatically according to the total supply and demand of the market according to the algorithm to balance inflation and scale growth.
WB issuance is recorded in the blockchain ledger with asset reciprocity and published as well as bought and sold on and other decentralized financial ecosystems.
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